University of Calgary

FREN 349 - Phonologie française - Fall 2005

Introduction à la structure des sons de la langue française. Concepts fondamentaux de la phonologie: inventaire des sons, liaisons, e-muet, etc. Analyse contrastive et comparaison avec l'anglais. Applications en classe et au laboratoire. ----------------------------------- Introduction to the sound structure of French. The relationship between spelling and pronunciation. The French sound system: vowels, glides and consonants. The prosodic system of French. Specific problems: nasal vowels, the loi-de-position, mute-e, intonation, liaison and enchaînement, h-aspiré. Variation in the form of words. Numerous exercises.
This course may not be repeated for credit.


  • LEC 1
    LAB 1
    LAB 2
This course will be offered next in Winter 2007.
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