University of Calgary

Yu Zhu

  • Doctoral Student
  • Graduate Assistant-Teaching

About Me

I am a Ph.D. student from China, specializing in Applied Linguistics. My academic journey began with a focus on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language during both my undergraduate and master's studies. I earned my bachelor’s degree from Hebei University of Technology, followed by master’s degrees from Beijing Normal University and Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Spain.


Having taught Mandarin in China, the USA, and Spain, I found my most memorable teaching experience at Concordia Language Villages. My native language is Chinese Mandarin, and I am proficient in English as my second language. I also possess conversational skills in Spanish and Japanese.


I am drawn to the University of Calgary due to its renowned researchers and abundant academic resources. My time here has provided me with valuable training in academic research. Currently, my academic interests lie in Second Language Teaching & Learning and Chinese Linguistics.


Among authors, George Orwell is my favorite, and his works such as "1984" and "Animal Farm" have been profound sources of inspiration. In cinema, I hold a particular fondness for "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Forrest Gump." Classical music resonates deeply with me, with Chopin's Nocturnes being my favored compositions. During leisure moments, I frequently engage in jogging and biking. Additionally, I have cultivated a hobby in Chinese cuisine, and I am enthusiastic about learning culinary specialties from around the world.

Photograph of Yu Zhu

Current Studies

  • Doctoral Student
    Degree: Doctor of Philosophy
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